Bagaimana cara merenovasi ruangan kantor sehingga terlihat lebih besar?

Penataan ruangan sangatlah penting. Oleh karena itu, sebelum memulai proyek, penting sekali untuk mendapatkan brief pengunaan ruangan dari client, baik pengunaan di masa sekarang maupun rencana client untuk masa yang akan datang. Sebagai client, pentingnya melihat rencana ke depan seperti berapa jumlah users / karyawan yang akan di hire, culture perusahaan yang akan dibangun (karena akan mempengaruhi rencana design di open / close office planning), sampai ke pemilihan warna ke arah Brand / Company Identity.

Kantor Building Management Mega Plaza ini luasnya sekitar 92m2 dan mempunyai pegawai sekitar 6 orang. Tantangannya adalah bagaimana menciptakan lobby / area reception yang cukup representative dan ruangan meeting yang cukup lebar dengan space yang sangat limited. Pemilihan furniture sangat mempengaruhi dalam menciptakan kesan luas pada ruangan. Sebelumnya, furniture dengan kayu solid terkesan berat dan besar, sehingga memberikan kesan sempit pada ruangan.

Bandingkan Previous Photo vs After Photo dimana dengan luas yang masih sama 92m2, ruangan terlihat lebih luas dari sebelumnya.

Design & Build : @grahairassinterior

Project Completed : 2020 (1 month design process, 2 months implementation)

Lihat Previous Photo here

After renovation

Modern Simple Interior when designing Office

When designing office space, as an Interior Designer, we always start by asking the client several questions such as: do you have a design / theme concept from a Principal office outside Indonesia and what percentage of concept similarity must be maintained. We also ask how many users / employees will use the office and how their activities are in the office (do they have a lot of discussions like that in the marketing division) or do they do more work on their own / individual contributions.

All these questions are taken into consideration when designing the space. Because we want to focus on practicality, usability of the space and not focus solely on aesthetic design.

Muhibbah Engineering is a Malaysian Structural consultant who just opened their office branch here in Indonesia and they wanted something simple and straight forward design. Every furniture has to serves its purposes. For this Design, we want to emphasize on aesthetic on the entrance by having a back wall with their logo on it. The carpets theme was to include Muhibbah Green color, and furniture parts are added to help users during their everyday usage. I.e We added glass mat in photocopy center because users are often using the table to do paper cuts with cutter.

Design & Build : @grahairassinterior