Reinstatement Kantor

Do you know that if you occupy an office suite in the building in Jakarta, you need to reinstated to preovious condition when you move out from the place? Not many business owners realized this and some of them do not take into account into their fitting out budget when doing renovations.

For all interior fitting out such as additional drop ceilings, additional downlight ceiling lamps, any cover on building column, you exactly need to reinstated everything back to previous empty condition.

See the example of Yudis Cafe reinstatement in Talavera Building

Bagaimana cara merenovasi ruangan kantor sehingga terlihat lebih besar?

Penataan ruangan sangatlah penting. Oleh karena itu, sebelum memulai proyek, penting sekali untuk mendapatkan brief pengunaan ruangan dari client, baik pengunaan di masa sekarang maupun rencana client untuk masa yang akan datang. Sebagai client, pentingnya melihat rencana ke depan seperti berapa jumlah users / karyawan yang akan di hire, culture perusahaan yang akan dibangun (karena akan mempengaruhi rencana design di open / close office planning), sampai ke pemilihan warna ke arah Brand / Company Identity.

Kantor Building Management Mega Plaza ini luasnya sekitar 92m2 dan mempunyai pegawai sekitar 6 orang. Tantangannya adalah bagaimana menciptakan lobby / area reception yang cukup representative dan ruangan meeting yang cukup lebar dengan space yang sangat limited. Pemilihan furniture sangat mempengaruhi dalam menciptakan kesan luas pada ruangan. Sebelumnya, furniture dengan kayu solid terkesan berat dan besar, sehingga memberikan kesan sempit pada ruangan.

Bandingkan Previous Photo vs After Photo dimana dengan luas yang masih sama 92m2, ruangan terlihat lebih luas dari sebelumnya.

Design & Build : @grahairassinterior

Project Completed : 2020 (1 month design process, 2 months implementation)

Lihat Previous Photo here

After renovation

Colgate Palmolive Indonesia

A vibrant new office for Colgate Palmolive. The renovation goal is to modernize the space by combining the reusable material from old office and new material. Focusing on functionality, the design is simple and minimalism with a little bit touch of brand corporate colors for loose furniture.

Design & Built : Graha Irass Interior


SF Capital & InvestMe - Satrio Tower Building, Kuningan

Located in prestigious Satrio Tower Building in Kuningan, SF Capital decided to open its first head office in CBD Area. As Investment & Finance Consultant, the owner wanted to hold on to image of professionalism that are mirrored in the design of its conference room & director's room while maintaining the fun loving area for its staff. Space is designed to have merged with its sister company with more youth & energetic feelings. The spaciously appointed CEO’s office, discreetly positioned in the back of the office. The space comprises 2 main desks, four-person meeting table and 2 sofas for greeting and more relaxed guests. . Designed & Built by PT Graha IrassLestari




Darya Varia R&D Department - Citereup, Bogor

Located in Citereup Plant, R&D Department of Darya Varia Laboratories is renovating their spaces to occupy 20 staff within 130 sqm space. Within this space, we designed & built 7 manager's room, 1 toilet, 1 conference room, 1 pantry, 1 musholla + server room and 1 locker room. Dominated by choices of white veneer furniture, clients added colorful furniture as point of interest to differentiate and sparked the energy of the staff



Moore Stephen office, Satrio Building

Moore Stephen is a registered public accounting firm which an old client of ours. When they moved from old office to the new building in Satrio area (kuningan), they trusted us to design the Lobby, the meeting room and their office Pantry. Dominated by wood selection, the owner & his partners would like the reception to represent what the company does and to be trust-able accounting firm. We designed the office with contemporary style with domination of strong materials such as iron table leg and keep the pantry with casual design to reflect a neutral space to take a break from work