Samara Suites, Gatot Subroto

Working and collaborating with Apartment Investor posed a different challenge when it comes to designing an apartment space for rental purposes. Often, the budget for renovation will depends of the return of the rental fee itself. The key point is “you want to design and spend reasonably for the maximum amount of return through rental fee projection”

When we designed the space, we focus on the ESSENTIAL list of things that rented apartment should have : Kitchen, Wardrobe, Sofa, Bed, Dining Table. And the rest of ADDITIONAL such as Study Nooks, Island Kitchen would compliment the actual essential list

Check out what we did for this 1 Bedroom Apartment at Samara Suites (Click here for 1 BR)

Check this out for 2 Bedroom Apartment with Khaki Neutral Tone

Check this out for 2 Bedroom Apartment with Grey Tone

Scandinavian Interior untuk rumah tinggal

Rasanya ketika mendengar kata Scandinavian style untuk interior rumah tinggal, identik dengan salah satu brand Swedia yang namanya Ikea. Sebagai brand furniture, memang Ikea dirasakan mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri dari Scandinavian Interior Design, yaitu Simplicity dan Minimalis serta fokus pada Functionality (Fungsi) dari furniture itu sendiri.

Style ini sangat populer dan banyak di request oleh client kami, termasuk adalah Rumah Tinggal yang kami kerjakan untuk KOI Village dan Walnut Residence. Ciri khas dari Scandinavian Style ini sendiri adalah Warna khas kayu Birch / Pinus yang terkesan light (Nyaman) , bright (terang), clean (rapi) dan neutral (Netral). Dari sisi furniturenya sendiri, tidak banyak aksen dan terkesan minimalis. Semua furniture sesuai dengan fungsinya tanpa banyak embel embel tambahan seperti aksen klasik.

Scandinavian style adalah style interior yang paling mudah dipadu padankan dengan style interior lainnya seperti Industrial dan ketika di kombinasikan dapat menghasilkan kualitas interior yang lebih warm (hangat). Contohnya, di proyek KOI Village ini, kami menggabungkan aksen industrial seperti cat semen pada dinding dan menggabungkan material seperti rak besi di area dapur & ruang keluarga.

3D Impression KOI Village :

3D Walnut Residence

Balinese Interior design in Tropical House at Cibubur Residence

These days, when it comes to Interior Design, Balinese Interior is one of the hottest interior trend People are trying to imitate at their homes. Given so, Balinese Interior design is many times are mixed with a lot of styles such as Industrial design (that we have seen in many cafes) and Luxurious (as we seen in hotels) and it might have transformed and we start to know a concept called Tropical Design.

No doubt, The owners of this residence are fans of Balinese Traditional Design and trying to mixed with latest Tropical Design house with high windows and natural sunlight. To recreate and capture the old balinese style, we are producing furniture mostly from materials that have been known as Indonesian special materials such as rattan, teakwood, eceng gondok (Hyacinth) and Trembesi (Tamarind) wood

As you entered the house, you will be welcomed with solid teak wood furniture in the foyer and Living room with big flower cravings with 7 meter height that was implemented beautifully to capture the Tropical House sense. When you up to 2nd level of the house, you will see the mixed of Minimalist design with Balinese style as mostly 2nd level are occupied with children.

Interior Design & Built : @grahairassinterior


To see overall video implementation, head to our YouTube channel :

Pluit Sakti Residence

Located in high end North Jakarta, this residence adapted american classic style, that reflects a composition of well-planned, contemporary living spaces that establish a softened monochrome palette. This composition is elegantly punctuated with furnishings in light greys and beige with accents of solid wood color and industrial touch.

Design & Built by : Graha Irass Interior