Modern classic apartment at Kemang Village

Creating most comfortable modern classic apartment that cater tastes of renters in Indonesia. The client is a business woman, living in Australia and wanted us to create a beautiful and spacious space that is likeable for expats living in Indonesia

Design & Built : Graha irass Interior

Completed : June 2022

Staycation at Tropical Modern Apartment

in this 3 bedroom apartment, we are challenged by our client who lives in Melbourne to create a design that focus on simplicity, casual and from bare condition. House interior design in Australia focus on natural lighting to make their homes more of a reflection of the natural colour and their laid-back culture are much reflected in open plan living area and having less features on both ceiling and wall.

the colours of furniture and home decor are natural colours and marble is a staple material that will be seen throught out all Australian homes.

Desiged & Built : Graha Irass Interior

Project completed : Jan - May 2022


Previous condition

Mechanical Workshop - Ventura Building

When it comes to mechanical workshop layout planning, it’s fundamental to follow key principles regarding dimensions, fittings and spatial arrangements.

Primarily, designing a mechanical workshop means guaranteeing a comfortable and safe environment, both for workers and customers and complying with all the technical standards required. Hence, a state-of-the-art mechanical workshop must be equipped with all the approved equipment or the best possible solutions, in terms of machinery and furniture.

.To design a mechanical workshop, it is necessary to organize spaces in such a way as to guarantee the correct performance of the “mechatronic” activities (mechanic-motorist and electrician) or include additional spaces where further activities are to be carried out.

Design by : Arya Ventura Realty

Contractor by : Graha Irass Interior

Project completed : Mar 2022 - July 2022

Eclectic Apartment design at The Elements Epicentrum Kuningan, Jakarta

For those city dwellers, having a sanctuary place in the middle of city is important to unwind. Busy life style is unavoidable and with Jakarta traffic, having an apartment in the city is every corporate worker’s dream. In this 2 bedroom apartment, we wanted to create a space that are convenience and easy maintenance where they can turn it into a personal sanctuary where they can escape from the city noise. We wanted to design a space that was simple but feeling luxurious when they enter the room as if luxury is what the city has to offer. The bronze mirror and the gold plate are used as dominating materials. The luxurious feeling is balanced with tone of blue colour for sofa and carpets, make it more natural and down to earth feeling.

Designed by FormPlus

Build by Graha Irass Interior

Project completed : January - March 2022

Minimalist Industrial Design for IT Department Bogasari

Minimalist industrial design has become increasingly popular in the last few years, and is a great blend of minimalist and functional elements. This trendy alternative design concept for offices has been associated with brave and bold, innovative, and organic organizations.

In the last decade, businesses and start-ups started looking at industrial spaces and warehouses as viable options for their offices. For IT Department in Bogasari, we rejuvenate the existing space and converting them into functional, spacious, and refreshed workplaces. This type of design is an excellent choice for contemporary workplaces and offers a strong yet simple aesthetic

Designed by @grahairassinterior

Designed completed 2021

Check out a virtual office room at video below

Mendesain toko retail elektronik dengan banyak kategori

Ketika mendesain toko retail terutama Showroom (toko dengan banyak kategori di dalamnya), beberapa hal fundamental yang harus diperhatikan adalah :

  1. Flow berjalan untuk pengunjung.
    Pastikan space / jarak antar aisle / lorong bisa di masukan trolley / keranjang belanja. Minimal jarak adalah 90cm - 120cm supaya ketika ada pengunjung dari arah sebaliknya berjalan di dalam lorong, tidak bertabrakan dengan pengunjung arah lainnya

  2. Section

    Ketika mendesain showroom elektronik retail dimana banyak kategori didalamnya, layout harus disesuaikan dengan kepentingan users dalam mencari kategori tersebut. Ini mempengaruhi peletakkan produk di kategori berdampingan dengan kategori lain yang semacamnya. Misalnya Kategori Air Conditioner, di dekatkan dengan kategori Air Purifier. Kategori TV di dekatkan dengan kategori Laptop & Handphone. Kategori Kompor didekatkan dengan area Kulkas. Peletakkan kategori berdasarkan fungsi ruangan, memudahkan customer dalam melakukan pencarian barang sekaligus memperbanyak kesempatan pembelian impulsif dalam toko. Misalnya : ketika customer datang untuk membeli Kompor, mungkin mereka akan teringat untuk membeli Cooker Hood dan Blender / Juicer.

    Secara pribadi, saya tidak begitu menyukai pembagian section berdasarkan brand. Karena tidak semua brand memiliki varian produk yang bermacam - macam. Selain itu, ketika sebagai pengunjung, kita mau mencari mesin cuci, kita harus berpindah pindah tempat untuk melakukan perbandingan apabila showroom di bagi berdasarkan brand. Sangatlah merepotkan!

  3. Lighting

    Pastinya kalian sudah tau bahwa toko yang gelap tentu saja tidak “inviting” atau mengundang. Karena itu pastikan toko retail mempunyai penerangan yang cukup dan bagus. Untuk suasana yang hangat, pilihlah lampu Warm White dan lampu sorot (Spot light / bisa memakai track lamp sorot) ketika ingin menghighlight produk penting di display

  4. Simple Design

    Yang perlu di ingat ketika mendesain toko retail adalah “the product is the champion”. Jadi jangan sampai desain interior displaynya mengalahkan produk itu sendiri. Display interior seharusnya menjadi pendukung agar produk terlihat menarik. Karena itu, display interior untuk toko retail diharapkan sesimple mungkin, dengan meminimalisasi penggunaan warna yang Bold / ngejreng supaya tidak mengalahkan aura dari produk yang akan di display. Pilihan warna putih / kayu dapat menjadi pilihan simple minimalis

Contoh Implementasi dari AJS Electronic Showroom di Jalan Panjang, Jakarta Barat

Design & Build : @grahairassinterior

Project Completed : 2020 (1 month design process, 2 months implementation)

American Classic Apartment style at Rainbow Springs Condovilla

Located in Serpong, this 2 Bedroom Condovilla, this apartment is adapting one of the most popular interior design style in Jakarta : American classic style. The client’s brief was for a transit apartment with a touch of feminity, embracing the spectacular garden view, a design that would draw the attention and feel the genuine feminine in addition into a harmonious whole.

The carefully curated interior responds to the strong architectural envelope, the transitions are so well considered that they are almost seamless. Framed profile form connections between adjacent spaces and make continuous transitions from room to room. The seamless interplay of texture, colour, form and materiality are woven through the interior creating sophisticated and timeless interior.

Project Completed : 2020 (2 months design process)

Designed by @grahairassinterior

Build by @flixtirta


Indonesian Interior Style at Elements Apartment

Inspired by Indonesian culture and local heritage, this apartment is designed with perseverance of local indonesian heritage in mind. Batik Kawung patterns are seen as additional touch that are reflected in Room Divider partition and laser cutting patterns for mirrors. As one of the oldest and Indonesian unique materials, Rattan also used in TV Cabinet backdrop wall to give additional accents.

For Furnishings, rattan textures and solid wood are seen throughout the apartment, creating cohesive home reflecting the owner’s taste in Traditional Indonesian heritage

Design & Built : @grahairassinterior

Project Completed : 2019 (2 weeks design process, 1 months implementation)

Bagaimana cara merenovasi ruangan kantor sehingga terlihat lebih besar?

Penataan ruangan sangatlah penting. Oleh karena itu, sebelum memulai proyek, penting sekali untuk mendapatkan brief pengunaan ruangan dari client, baik pengunaan di masa sekarang maupun rencana client untuk masa yang akan datang. Sebagai client, pentingnya melihat rencana ke depan seperti berapa jumlah users / karyawan yang akan di hire, culture perusahaan yang akan dibangun (karena akan mempengaruhi rencana design di open / close office planning), sampai ke pemilihan warna ke arah Brand / Company Identity.

Kantor Building Management Mega Plaza ini luasnya sekitar 92m2 dan mempunyai pegawai sekitar 6 orang. Tantangannya adalah bagaimana menciptakan lobby / area reception yang cukup representative dan ruangan meeting yang cukup lebar dengan space yang sangat limited. Pemilihan furniture sangat mempengaruhi dalam menciptakan kesan luas pada ruangan. Sebelumnya, furniture dengan kayu solid terkesan berat dan besar, sehingga memberikan kesan sempit pada ruangan.

Bandingkan Previous Photo vs After Photo dimana dengan luas yang masih sama 92m2, ruangan terlihat lebih luas dari sebelumnya.

Design & Build : @grahairassinterior

Project Completed : 2020 (1 month design process, 2 months implementation)

Lihat Previous Photo here

After renovation

Rumah Modern Minimalis Kontemporer di Nava Park, BSD

When we enter the empty house for the first time, we are astonished by the high ceiling in the living room and the amount of natural sunlight that enter the houses. Designed to match the personality of the couple owners that wanted the house to be mixed with femininity and masculinity at the same time. The living room was designed to match the Madam Owner style of luxury and femininity as we use Carara marbles textures to give the elegance taste. The Master bedroom is a mixtures of two personality where dark oak wood textures are mixed with Black Marquina marble textures to taste the masculinity elegance.

Upstairs, the rooms are filled for 2 boys and 1 girl bedroom and the transition space are designed for a playful and study room for them. Playing room are designed as additional room for guests with Murphy Bed lift mechanism, makes it simpler and spacious room when its not used

Design & Build : @grahairassinterior

Project Completed : 2020 (2 months design process, 3 months implementation)


Apartment Renovation at Puri Gardenia residence

In one point of time, renovation is much needed to the old place for many reasons such as to return to its former glory, getting rid of previous owner’s vibes, maximizing property value or simply the old furniture does not really match the personality of new owner.

In remodeling this 2 BR apartment, we demolished the old kitchen and its drop ceilings, rebuild the wall panel and took out all the existing wallpaper. Since the apartment might be rented to someone else, we moved the bunk bed out of the apartment and built dual function furniture where the cabinet can be served as Vanity Table, Study Desk, Book shelves and Wardrobe

We are adopting Scandinavian Design with minimalist concept. We preserved the original ceilings, window and doors and keep the original mirror to magnify the effect of larger rooms

Design & Built : @grahairassinterior


For Previous condition, please watch this Youtube Channel :

Balinese Interior design in Tropical House at Cibubur Residence

These days, when it comes to Interior Design, Balinese Interior is one of the hottest interior trend People are trying to imitate at their homes. Given so, Balinese Interior design is many times are mixed with a lot of styles such as Industrial design (that we have seen in many cafes) and Luxurious (as we seen in hotels) and it might have transformed and we start to know a concept called Tropical Design.

No doubt, The owners of this residence are fans of Balinese Traditional Design and trying to mixed with latest Tropical Design house with high windows and natural sunlight. To recreate and capture the old balinese style, we are producing furniture mostly from materials that have been known as Indonesian special materials such as rattan, teakwood, eceng gondok (Hyacinth) and Trembesi (Tamarind) wood

As you entered the house, you will be welcomed with solid teak wood furniture in the foyer and Living room with big flower cravings with 7 meter height that was implemented beautifully to capture the Tropical House sense. When you up to 2nd level of the house, you will see the mixed of Minimalist design with Balinese style as mostly 2nd level are occupied with children.

Interior Design & Built : @grahairassinterior


To see overall video implementation, head to our YouTube channel :

Colgate Palmolive Indonesia

A vibrant new office for Colgate Palmolive. The renovation goal is to modernize the space by combining the reusable material from old office and new material. Focusing on functionality, the design is simple and minimalism with a little bit touch of brand corporate colors for loose furniture.

Design & Built : Graha Irass Interior


Arup Indonesia

Insipired by Arup’s values on promoting collaboration and creativity, this new office design located in heart of Jakarta City, represents a complete open space working environment. With three meeting rooms, twos silent rooms, 2 standing areas and 52 open and free workspace, the space fosters openness, free form space and free interactions and collaboration within staff. For meeting rooms, acourette board foam and double glass window are used to reduce the sounds and noise.

Designed by : ArkiLab

Contractor by : Graha Irass Interior

Industrial Scandinavian Interior Design for Apartment St Moritz

Soft minimalism is quickly becoming the latest trend in interior design. It counters the idea that minimalism is cold and sterile and proposes a design style that is clean and contemporary but also warm and livable. This apartment design style is still modernist and minimal but with soft tones, ergonomic designs, and conscious consumerism. This decor is also about simple shapes, natural materials, and warm, earthy colors. It gives your monochrome interior a more subtle and soft look. This concept of soft minimalism goes really well the industrial design style too. Industrial style appreciates the visual appeal that lies within utilitarian objects, metal and wood surfaces, and neutral tones. Industrial decor is simple, subtle and sleek.